UKCTAS Alcohol Policy and Practice CPD course returns
The second Alcohol Policy and Practice CPD course, run by UKCTAS, the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies, will take place in Sheffield from 1st - 4th September 2015. The module is aimed at professionals working in a range of organisations who are interested in alcohol policy and practise.
It follows the success of the first Alcohol CPD course at the University of Stirling in 2014. This years course is being held at the University of Sheffield and is taught by leading academics and practitioners from various UKCTAS institutions and includes a balance of lectures, discussion groups and debates. See the website for costs and more details.
DrinkWise North West Seminar Series
The Drink Wise Seminar Series of events is free to leads in the North West, the first seminar will be taking place on 30th June in Manchester and will be focused on protecting young people from alcohol marketing. See full list of seminars heren [pdf].
Alcohol Concern Wales are holding a conference on alcohol and pregnancy on 21 September in Cardiff. See here for the conference agenda or register here at a £60+VAT early bird rate.
The Global Alcohol Policy Alliance (GAPA) and Alcohol Focus Scotland are to co-host the next Global Alcohol Policy Conference which will be held in Edinburgh from 7-9 October 2015.
The Society for the Study of Addiction Annual Symposium 2015 takes place 5–6 November 2015 in York. Topics will include recent findings from research funded by Alcohol Research UK, recovery and Science and politics – synergy or conflict?
Alcohol Research UK UK Jobs, studentships and CPD support
Alcohol Research UK are recruiting two new posts:
The Director of Fund Development will be responsible for preparing and then delivering strategies for generating new sources of income to fund more research.
The Marketing and Communications Officer’s role will be to ensure that we properly and fully communicate our work to all of our stakeholders.
Alcohol Research UK are also offering support through studentships and Continuing Professional Development.
Alcohol-Related Liver Disease survey
A survey on alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD) has been released by the Alcohol-Related Liver Disease Priority Setting Partnership, and gives patients, carers, clinicians and family members affected by ARLD an opportunity to have their say and influence future work. The survey is available at
Consumer survey on communication of alcohol associated risks
A European survey is seeking more UK responses to help map consumers’ opinions on communication of alcohol associated risks. Led by the European Union Joint Action on Reducing Alcohol Related Harm, the survey wants to learn more about the mixed messages the public receive on alcohol consumption and risk. UK responses sought here.
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