The Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS) have released a second briefing on alcohol and COVID warning of the hidden harm from alcohol and the need for further attention to the issue from the Government.
Download the full 'Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK – Second IAS briefing [pdf]'
The briefing highlights that whilst there have been a modest overall decline in sales receipts, this masks important differences between lower risk/non-drinkers and heavier drinkers, many of whom report drinking more. Treatment access is also down. As such, important questions relate to how future responses to alcohol regulation and policy to support those negatively affected will be approached.
Further COVID and alcohol resources
Alcohol Change UK have a Corona virus information and advice hub. A regularly updated page from the SSA links to information about COVID-19 (coronavirus) including national guidance, information for treatment services, harm reduction advice for people who use drugs, online courses and news and opinion.
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