IAS Research Coordinator job
The Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS) are recruiting to the position of a Research Coordinator to support the delivery of the IAS research strategy through commissioning, producing and disseminating research reports and articles. The post holder should have substantial experience of conducting quantitative and qualitative research, the ability to analyse a broad range of public policy datasets and strong verbal and written communication skills.
Deadline for applications is 5pm 19th April 2019. See here for the full job specification [pdf].
Alcohol Focus Scotland Policy & Development coordinator
Alcohol Focus Scotland (AFS) are seeking a Policy & Development coordinator to develop and manage a new strand of work promoting every child’s right to an ‘alcohol free childhood’. The role will form part of AFS’s work to influence the implementation of the Scottish Government's new alcohol prevention framework.
Closing date for applications is 9am on Monday 25 March 2019. See here for the Job description and further information here.
Research positions
A PhD position working on screening & assessment of alcohol-related problems in young people is being advertised at the University of Belfast, working with Dr Paul Toner. The University of Stirling is seeking a Professor and Director of the Institute for Social Marketing and Health Research, to head up the research team covering public health areas including alcohol, tobacco and more. Stirling are also recruiting qualitative researchers to help conduct studies focusing on interventions in tobacco and alcohol policy in the UK and health behavioural interventions.
Consultation on draft revised guidance for Scottish licensing boards
The Scottish Government is seeking consultation responses on the 'Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 – Section 142 Draft Revised Guidance for Licensing Boards – v 0.1'. The revised guidance seeks to provide clarity for Licensing Boards responsible for regulating the sale of alcohol to the public within their particular area. In Scotland the Licensing Act includes the protection and improvement of public health, something that has been called for in England, although researchers have identified the complexities and challenges involved in efforts to see health considered in licensing decisions.
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