Alcohol Change UK has announced a 2019 national conference to take place on 19th June in London, exploring 'New insights into alcohol research, policy and practice'.
The event will be the organisation's first following the merger of the former charities Alcohol Concern and Alcohol Research UK and will look at the evidence on alcohol use and harms across the UK and the policies that have the potential to drive change. It will discuss the latest innovations in the treatment sector, Scotland's minimum unit pricing (MUP) and consider how cultural norms can be shifted. See here for more information, here for the draft programme and here for registration including early bird rates.
Careers in the Sociology of Alcohol in Academia & Beyond
The British Sociological Society (BSA) is hosting a one day event for Postgraduate or Early Career Researchers interested in finding out more about pursuing an academic career researching alcohol, and alternative alcohol-related career pathways. Speakers include Prof Betsy Thom, Eric Carlin and others - see here for more information and registration.
SHAAP/SARN 'Alcohol Occasionals'
Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) and the Scottish Alcohol Research Network (SARN) run regular free lunchtime 'Alcohol Occasional' seminars. The occasionals, which aim to showcase innovative research and provide the chance for researchers, practitioners and policy makers and the public, are currently exploring the theme of recovery. Forthcoming seminars include:
- 14th February 2019 - "Before rock bottom?" Promoting early recovery and self-change amongst harmful drinkers,James Morris, London South Bank University
- 7th March 2019 - Redefining Recovery- Soberistas: a social network encouraging a secure alcohol-free identity, Dr Julia Sinclair, Professor of Addiction Psychiatry, Southampton University
- 25th April 2019 - Exploring the role of food and nutrition for women in recovery from alcohol and substance misuse’, Deanne Carlson and Chloe Berry, University of Plymouth
- 23rd May 2019 - “You could just show a little more compassion”: A meta-ethnography of what constitutes effective problem alcohol and drug treatment from the perspective of people who are homeless, Dr Hannah Carver & Dr Tessa Parkes, University of Stirling
Medical Council on Alcohol (MCA) 2019 Symposium
The Medical Council on Alcohol has announced the date of its 2019 symposium, taking place on 13th of November 2019. The event will explore alcohol and health from a number of perspectives, including the relationship between addiction and alcohol, educating medical students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, student mental health, training in addiction medicine and alcohol and the liver. See the programme here.
Liquid Modernity
Liquid Modernity is a two-day event taking place at Bournemouth University 11-12th April 2019 that seeks to draw together researchers interested in exploring the intersection of drink, space and place within contemporary culture, media and society. See here for the draft programme [pdf]. The conference is hosted by the Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community, and supported by the Drinking Studies Network.
SUAB 2019 European Conference on long-term recovery and identity.
The Substance Use and Addictive Behaviours (SUAB) research group at Manchester Metropolitan University is delighted to present the SUAB 2019 European Conference on long-term recovery and identity. Exploring various aspects of identity including spirituality, employment, and identity change, this one-day conference will discuss what identity means to those in recovery from problematic substance use and what supports their transition from one identity to another. See here for further details and the programme.
A 'save the date' has been announced for a thematic meeting of the Kettil Bruun Society on Public Health and the Global Governance of Alcohol will be held 30 September – 3 October 2019 in Melbourne, Australia.