Alcohol Concern have announced this year's Alcohol Awareness Week (AAW) will take place from 19-25 of November on the theme of 'change'. The charity, which has merged with Alcohol Research UK, is promoting the Twitter hashtag #AAW18 and says this year's AAW is a chance to:
- Drive a conversation about alcohol
- Signpost those who need help to the support they need
- Call for change at every level - individuals, communities and policy-makers
Alcohol Concern also state:
Change is necessary.
Too often drinking is an expectation, not a choice. Across the UK, people are suffering as a result of their own or others’ drinking – and not enough specialist support is available to help them.
Change is possible.
Let’s start by making changes in our own lives; are you drinking too much? Make a change today. For those who need help to reduce their drinking, change is possible too. Properly funded and managed well, the treatment sector can change lives.
Change is happening.
Millions of people choose to drink more healthily or stop drinking each year, and their lives and the lives of those around them change as a result. There’s great practice happening in the treatment sector across the country. And organisations and charities are campaigning for system-wide change so fewer people are harmed by alcohol.
This November, let’s come together to make changes in our own lives, share the tools and support needed to make that happen, call for the change that’s needed and celebrate the change that’s happening.
- Please email [email protected] with any specific questions.
- Media enquiry? Contact [email protected] or [email protected]
- Would you like to share a blog for Alcohol Awareness Week? Whether you’re an individual looking to share your personal story or want to share a blog on behalf of your service or charity about your work, contact [email protected].
Last year's AAW on the theme of 'Alcohol and Families' saw Alcohol Concern partner with Adfam, a charity that supports families affected by drugs and alcohol.
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