Recent bulletins from the Findings drug and alcohol bank:
Delivered in under 10 minutes, are ultra-brief interventions effective?
The hectic and fast-paced environment of the emergency department is not always considered conducive to even a brief alcohol intervention. While in principle further shortening the time of the intervention would make delivery more feasible, on important patient outcomes an effective ultra-brief intervention in this setting has yet to be found
Preventing alcohol- and tobacco-exposed pregnancies
In the USA the CHOICES Plus trial tested a bundle of ‘pre-conception’ services for risky drinking, smoking, and ineffective contraception. Significant reductions in the risk of pregnancies exposed to alcohol and tobacco suggest the package may be feasible and effective, but would it transfer to the UK context?
French committee says risks of baclofen outweigh benefits
UPDATED Our commentary on the first trial to rigorously test high-dose baclofen to treat dependent drinking has been updated with the release on 24 April 2018 of an opinion on the balance between safety and benefits from a scientific committee set up by France’s medicines regulator to help decide on an application to market the drug
Acupuncture: potential value of a ‘theatrical placebo’
Studies showing acupuncture can treat problem substance use and relieve symptoms of withdrawal are few and far between and tend to be methodologically weak. Yet it’s been a popular alternative when mainstream medication and psychosocial therapies haven’t shown consistent success. Does offering something concrete like acupuncture benefit the client, even if effects may be ‘placebo’ at best?
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