Forthcoming alcohol conference and events in 2018:
Influences on Public Health Contributions to Alcohol Licensing Processes
On the 26 March 2018 a workshop to explore ways to strengthen public health practitioners’ contributions to alcohol licensing processes in local authorities takes plce in London. Hosted by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine & Safe Sociable London Partnership, the event will include:
- A summary of findings from the Public Health & Alcohol Licensing study
- Case examples of public health involvement in licensing processes
- Recommendations for strengthening public health licensing work
- Discussion of ways to support putting recommendations into practice
- Summary and closing comments
- Networking opportunities and lunch
See here for further information and bookings.
'Alcohol & Recovery': NDSAG 2018
On Thursday 7th June 2018 a one day event on 'Alcohol & Recovery' will be held as the 42nd annual New Directions in the Study of Alcohol Group (NDSAG) conference. It will be preceded by a PhD and Early Career Researcher Workshop on Wednesday 6th June 2018 which will be an interactive workshop format. See the Alcohol & Recovery NDSAG Conference 2018 flyer here [pdf] or email [email protected] to register interest.
Social work and problem substance use: Going in the right direction?
On 26th June at Middlesex University's Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (DARC) hosts one day conference exploring the role of social work in responding to problem substance. Against the background of current changes to social work structures and approaches, the conference will help participants to take stock of our engagement as a profession so far and to think about preparing for future challenges. The conference will consist of plenary sessions and six workshops for participants to choose from. Download the DARC 2018 conference flyer here [pdf].
Radical Temperance: Social change and drink, from teetotalism to dry January
On the 28-29 June 2018 the 'Radical Temperance' conference seeks to explore the radical aspects of the avoidance of alcohol at the University of Central Lancashire, Preston, supported by the Alcohol and Drugs History Society and Alcohol Research UK. Of the many anti-drink movements across the world, one of the most influential, teetotalism, started in Preston in 1832. Alcohol management remains a key social issue; the many active support groups, dry bars, and third sector organisations in our society take varying stances on alcohol and temperance.
Contributions from a range of perspectives, places and periods and from both academic and non-academic contributors. Proposals for 20-minute papers, panels, roundtables and posters, or stalls and displays, should be submitted to [email protected] by 4 March 2018. See here for more information.
SHAAP/SARN 'Alcohol Occasionals' 2017-2018
Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) and the Scottish Alcohol Research Network (SARN) run regular lunchtime 'Alcohol Occasional' seminars. The occassionals aim to showcase innovative research and provide the chance for researchers, practitioners and policy makers and members of the public to hear and discuss alcohol related topics. Forthcoming seminars include:
12th March 2018 - ‘Alcohol harm reduction through a social justice lens: lessons from Canada’,
Dr Bernie Pauly, Centre for Addictions Research of BC, Victoria, Canada -
23rd April 2018 - Accounting for harms; the role of qualitative sociology in social justice approaches to alcohol and suicide,
Dr Amy Chandler, University of Edinburgh - 28th May 2018 - ‘Drunk and doubly deviant? Gender, intoxication and assault’,
Dr Carly Lightowlers, University of Liverpool
On April 18 - 21 in Vancouver, Canada, the 8th International Research Conference on Adolescents and Adults with FASD. See the conference website here for more information of the brochure here.
The 2018 Inernational Network of Brief Interventions for Alcohol and other Drugs (INEBRIA) conference will take place in Santiago de Chile
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