The latest Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS) Alcohol Alert: July 2017 is now available (here for PDF version). Read the editorial here and articles below:
- Pubs call for action on cheap supermarket alcohol
- 28% of adults ‘can’t enjoy holiday without alcohol’
- Most ill heavy drinkers would drink a third less under MUP
- Industry misleading the public about alcohol-related cancer risk
- Women and alcohol: What's next?
- ‘Misleading coverage’ of pregnancy drinking risks from media
- Mixed picture for new liver disease atlas of England
- Europeans gaining taste for alcohol-free beer
- Communication of alcohol guidelines ‘needs to be improved’
- Facebook trial lets users hide alcohol adverts
- Magic pill to cure alcoholism is make believe
- Do “digital interventions” reduce heavy drinking?
- ALCOHOL SNAPSHOT: Public Health England highlight geographical inequalities in the burden of alcohol
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