The latest Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS) Alcohol Alert: June 2017 is now available (here for PDF version). Read the editorial here and articles below:
- TOP STORY: KBS – Researchers walk “advocacy tightrope”
- Tower Hamlets Late Night Levy put on hold
- Drinking could raise brain damage risk
- Graphic cancer warnings on alcohol ‘could cut drinking’
- ‘Sobriety tags’ scheme spreads
- Alcohol labelling information, calorie-free
- Don’t get too chill about alcoholic ice lollies, police warn
- Sexualised drinks ads undermine anti-rape campaigns
- Young and old missing out on A&E alcohol screening practices
- Rise in number of older drink-drivers
- Alcohol sales in England and Wales 50% above guideline levels
- Canada votes for alcohol tax rise
- Wales: Alcohol pricing is a legislative priority
- ALCOHOL SNAPSHOT: The effect of a 50p minimum unit price has been eroded, but only slightly
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