Selected alcohol events and dates forthcoming in 2017:
Alcohol Policy in Practice 2017
The UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies (UKCTAS) Alcohol Policy in Practice CPD course takes place on 18th - 21st September at the University of Stirling, Scotland.
This year’s course will feature new inputs from Professor Mike Daube from Curtin University in Australia, and Professor Karine Gallopel-Morvan from the E-HESP (School of Public Health) in Rennes, France. Returning highlights include advocacy training from the Institute of Alcohol Studies & Balance Northeast; Prof Jeff Collin (Edinburgh) and Dr John Holmes (Sheffield). An International Workshop “The Ubiquity of Alcohol” will also focus on marketing, availability and industry influence. A reduced rate applies until the 16th June - further details and registration here.
Alcohol Concern 2017: alcohol & sport?
Alcohol Concern's 2017 conference, Hitting the bar: How can we promote healthy drinking in sporting settings?, will take place in Cardiff, Wales on the 26th September. The one day event will ask whether it’s time to commit to a new game plan when it comes to alcohol, including talks from Dr Patrick Kenny from Dublin Institute of Technology and Dr Melanie Kingsland from the University of Newcastle, Australia. Read the agenda and book tickets here.
DARC 2017: young people and the Criminal Justice System
Middlesex University's Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (DARC) annual conference for 2017 looks at Young People, Substance Use and the Criminal Justice System: Defining the Challenges and Developing Responses, taking place on 23rd June in London. The conference aims to bring together the perspectives of practitioners, policy makers, and researchers to stimulate critical thinking around developing effective responses for young people with substance use problems who are in contact with the criminal justice system. Download the conference flyer here.
Other events
The last of the current series of SARN/SHAAP 'Occasional Seminars' takes place on the 14th June 2017 - Dr Catherine Chiang, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, looks at Alcohol Deaths in Glasgow 2010. Has Service Redesign had an Impact?
The Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA) national conference takes place from 9-10 November in Newcastle, preceded by a PhD symposium on the 8th November. Abstracts are welcome for the 2017 Conference. Online submission of delegates’ oral and poster abstracts are open here.
A conference on the future for London’s night-time economy is being organised by the Westminster Poicy Forum - booking here.
International alcohol & addiction events
The Global Alcohol Policy Conference 2017 takes place in Melbourne, Australia, 4-6 October. GAPC is the leading meeting place for alcohol policy makers, advocates, researchers and practitioners from around the world. See more information at the conference website.
INEBRIA 2017 'Screening and Brief Intervention at the Intersection of Research, Policy and Practice: Advancing Knowledge and Meeting New Challenges', takes place from Thursday- Friday, September 14-15, 2017 in New York. See here for further details.
Lisbon Addictions 2017 will take place from 24 to 26 October 2017, the second European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies. The conference is a multidisciplinary conference that provides a forum for networking across the addictions. More information here.
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