Recent bulletins from the Findings drug and alcohol bank:
Controlling alcohol-related crime and disorder
How can governments curb excessive drinking and related disorder in the night time economy without becoming vulnerable to the accusation of ‘nanny-state killjoy’? Two approaches are on the table in this hot topic: minimum unit pricing and licensing.
Responsible drinking ‘social norms’ messages not credible, say students
A study set in a UK university found telling students that their peers drink less than they might think did not increase their intentions to drink responsibly. Though the message that most students have ‘six drinks or less’ on each occasion was clear, students did not believe, trust or relate to it.
Managing the talking route to recovery
Starts with a study which concluded that “leaders ... have a cascading impact on their staff in ways other than through mandate”. Findings that post-training ‘coaching’ is needed to produce competent therapists mean management is critical to staff development and client progress. Ends with how poorly progressing clients are ‘rescued’ by systems which let therapists know how (especially how badly) their clients are doing.
Organisational influences on psychosocial therapies
Latest instalment of online course on alcohol treatment research. See if you agree with influential US researchers that “organizational climate underlies the entire process of innovation adoption,” appreciate the effect of high staff turnover and how to reduce it, and ask yourself: Is my service even ready for change? Is change driven by targets just as good for patients as change motivated by the desire to improve their lives?
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