Selected alcohol events and dates forthcoming in 2017:
Alcohol Research UK 2017 conference and Early Career Symposium
Last chance for Alcohol Research UK's 2017 conference, ‘Working together: people, practice and policy in alcohol research’, which takes place on Wednesday, 5th April 2017 in London. The event will explore co-production and collaboration in alcohol research and practice and consider how sharing experience can help to bridge the gaps between research and practice. Further details here or see here for the Alcohol Research UK Postgraduate and Early Career Symposium 2017 which takes place on Tuesday, 4th April 2017 in London.
New Directions 2017 & inaugural 'Addiction Theory Network' SymposiumThe NDSAG 2017 Full Conference Programme has been released for the New Directions in the Study of Alcohol Group (NDSAG) 41st Annual Conference 2017, which takes place in Weston Super Mare on 10 to 13 of May. The conference will explore perspectives of drinkers and services within the current landscape of commissioning and policy, and findings from key practice and research. The conference will also include an inaugural symposium of the Addiction Theory Network, which seeks to challenge the dominance of the brain disease model of addiction and its implications for policy and practice. See here for the booking form [pdf].
A one-day conference: ‘Tackling alcohol misuse – effective tools for prevention and treatment’ takes place on Tuesday 16 May 2017 in London. Showcasing the collaborative alcohol work of the HIN and CLAHRC South London, the conference will involve a mix of lectures, workshops and roundtable discussions. The event will include sessions on: Alcohol care in acute settings, Implementing Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) in different settings and Harnessing the power of digital to tackle alcohol misuse. See here for further details.
Drinking Bodies: Alcohol, Embodiment & Social Difference
On the 22 May 2017 at the University of Manchester, the British Sociological Association (BSA) hosts a conference exploring 'Drinking Bodies: Alcohol, Embodiment & Social Difference', aimed at researchers investigating socio-cultural patterns and practices of alcohol consumption. Abstracts are being invited until 27 January 2017. See here for further details.
Kettil Bruun Society 2017: Sheffield
The 43rd Kettil Bruun Society (KBS) Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol Symposium will take place on 5-9 June 2017, hosted by the Sheffield Alcohol Research Group at ScHARR. The Kettil Bruun Society aims to investigate social, epidemiological and cross-cultural research on alcohol use and promote the exchange of scientific knowledge and experiences among researchers. See here for further details.
Other conferences & dates
Drinkaware, the alcohol industry funded education charity, holds its 10th year anniversary conference in London on Monday 24th April. The event will look at 'supporting better choices', provide a 2016 programme and activity report, and launch Drinkaware’s next five year strategy and priorities. The events page suggests the event is sold out, however to enquire about the possibility of attending the conferenece email [email protected].
SARN/SHAAP 'Occasional Seminars': pregnancy & service redesign and deaths
The next in a series of SARN/SHAAP seminars include:
- 11th May 2017 - Dr Andrew Symon, Senior Lecturer, Mother and Infant Research Unit, University of Dundee, Drinking in pregnancy: a comparison between areas of high and low deprivation in Scotland
- 14th June 2017 - Dr Catherine Chiang, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Alcohol Deaths in Glasgow 2010. Has Service Redesign had an Impact?
SHAAP and the Institute of Alcohol Studies are also running a series of events on Women and Alcohol including:
- Women, Alcohol, and Empowerment. Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 2 – 4pm, Friday, 7th April 2017
- Women, Alcohol, and Stigma. Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 2 – 4pm, Friday, 9th June 2017
- Women and Alcohol: What’s next? Royal College of Physicians, London, 2 - 4pm, Friday, 15th September 2017
The annual Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (DARC) conference will be held on Friday 23rd June 2017 at Middlesex University (Hendon Campus): Young People, Substance Use and the Criminal Justice System: Defining the Challenges and Developing Responses. Registration and info here.
The fourth Contemporary Drug Problems Conference ‘Making alcohol and other drug realities’ takes place from 23-25 August, 2017, Helsinki, Finland. Abstracts call open - see here for further details.
INEBRIA 2017 'Screening and Brief Intervention at the Intersection of Research, Policy and Practice: Advancing Knowledge and Meeting New Challenges', takles place from Thursday- Friday, September 14-15, 2017 in New York. See here for further details.
The Global Alcohol Policy Conference 2017 takes place in Melbourne, Australia, 4-6 October. GAPC is the leading meeting place for alcohol policy makers, advocates, researchers and practitioners from around the world. See more information at the conference website.
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