Back in 2014 we looked at available online alcohol resources to help support drinking behaviour change. A number of new apps have since arrived, with more likely to follow as part of a wider growth in digital health.
However last year the largest review into the effectiveness of digital interventions found only a small impact, with shorter duration effects than may be seen from face to face brief interventions - Findings review here. Nonetheless, the potential reach and relative low cost per person suggests digital approaches may still make a useful contribution as part of the 'intervention mix'.
Some of the new..
Drink Less UCL app
Drink Less has been developed by a team of psychologists at UCL to help people who want to cut down their drinking. UCL says it allows users to set goals, track progress, complete a mood diary to help understand the effects of hangovers, play games designed to help strengthen resolve and train your brain to react differently to alcohol.
App users are asked if they are willing to take part in anonymised research to help the team develop the app and understand drinking behaviours. The app is only available for iPhones via the app store or see the website for more information.
Public Health England's recent One You campaign, aimed to promote healthier lifestyles including alcohol, includes a One You drinks tracker app (though it does appear to be a re-branded version of the former Change4Life drinks tracker).
One Drink One Click app
Developed by Public Health Wales and Alcohol Concern Cymru, One Drink One Click is available on the Apple store for iPhone users who want to keep track of their units.
Previously highlighted
Don't Bottle It Up!
Don'tBottleItUp! offers users a simple online 'IBA' approach based on the gold-standard AUDIT screening tool and providing personalised brief advice.
Drinks Meter
The drinks meter app provides feedback based on AUDIT and other questions, also comparing the users answers against the Drinks Meter community to give unbiased, anonymous feedback.
Down Your Drink
Down Your Drink (DYD) is a longer established online programme based on AUDIT and also including an extended programme. User registration required.
MyDrinkaware via
Drinkaware is the alcohol industry funded education charity. The Drinkaware app helps users to track alcohol consumption and spend, calculate units and calories and set goals, whilst MyDrinkaware provides tips and support on cutting down.
NHS Choices
NHS Choices no longer offers online resources but offers alcohol information and a useful local service directory.
Resources for professionals - IBA training app & blog
A free IBA training app is available on the apple store, Google play and also on the amazon app store. The app offers a shorter alternative to the 2 hour online IBA e-learning with more focus on visual IBA scenarios, including an overview of units, the AUDIT tool and other key tips for brief intervention delivery.
The alcohol IBA blog is also aimed at professionals or those with an interest in alcohol brief intervention , offering selected news, updates and ideas to support delivery. Those with relevant expertise or insight can join as contributors.
See here for a comprehensive list of alcohol support options or call Drinkline, the free national alcohol helpline if you're worried about your own or someone else's drinking on 0300 123 1110 (weekdays 9am – 8pm, weekends 11am – 4pm).