Alcohol Research UK impact evaluation
Alcohol Research UK has published a report which looks at the projects it has supported since 1982, mostly as the Alcohol Education and Research Council, to review its impact. Based on an independent research project, it gives an overview of the of nearly 900 projects, fellowships and studentships it has funded. The charity continues to release regular grant programmes with the 2016/17 opportunities to be announced in May.
The report identifies the wide scope of work undertaken in the alcohol field, including the development of brief intervention, support for at-risk groups, understanding behaviour and culture, education and prevention, and policy impacts. Fostering new research and Alcohol Research UK's future ambitions are also detailed. A presentation on the work will be showcased at the forthcoming New Directions conference.
Recent research publications
The following Alcohol Research UK funded research projects have been released:
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Group intervention for dependent alcohol users
This study led by Dr Christos Kouimtsidis, Consultant Psychiatrist at the Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, explored changes in attitudes towards drinking during Abstinence Preparation Groups (APG) – which is based on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy – and considered whether such changes reduced the symptoms of alcohol dependence in readiness for medically assisted detoxification treatment.
Effects of Varenicline on alcohol enjoyment and consumption
This study led by Dunja Przulj from the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine at Queen Mary University of London explored the effects of using varenicline (a medicine mostly commonly used to support smoking cessation) to alter drinking behaviour.
This small qualitative study by Dr. Emma Louise Davies, Lecturer in Psychology at Oxford Brookes University, explored the feasibility and acceptability of using a digital intervention (i.e. the Alcohol Smart Quiz based on the Prototype Willingness Model of health behaviour) for the prevention of alcohol related harm in adolescents.
Adolescent alcohol use and school disengagement
Drawing on ten years of longitudinal cohort data from the Belfast Youth Development Study (BYDS), this research study led by Dr. Tara O’Neill from the Institute of Child Care Research at Queen’s University Belfast aimed to investigate how differing patterns of alcohol use in adolescence are associated with their disengagement from school from 11-15 years and pathways to being NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) at 20/21 years old.
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