Earlier this year a conference exploring 'alcohol intervention in Primary Care & beyond' took place in Leeds. The event aimed to look at interventions from Identification & Brief Advice (IBA) to treatment models within Primary Care. Topics also included ambulance pathways and the broader evidence and policy base.
Presentations from the day included:
The event was organised by Public Health England who also co-delivered events earlier this year on alcohol treatment and NICE standards.
The event demonstrated although some good practice was taking place, nationally there appears some way to go before quality alcohol interventions are being routinely offered in Primary Care. A continued point of discussion appeared to be the long running issue of the differences between brief intervention approaches and treatment interventions - something addressed in the revised Alcohol Academy 'Clarifying Brief Interventions' briefing.
Next month, the SMMGP 9th National Primary Care Development Conference looks at "Treating Alcohol and Drug Problems in Primary Care" - Thursday 23 October 2014, Birmingham - details and booking here.
See here for further forthcoming alcohol events including the Alcohol Concern annual conference.