The Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS) is recruiting for the position of Senior Research & Policy Officer.
The role's responsibilities will include drafting and disseminating policy documents and the collection and analysis of evidence for alcohol policies. Deadline for applications is 09:00am Monday 17 March. Full role description and application details here [pdf].
Other alcohol jobs can be found on this Guardian jobs page or via DDN jobs.
Alcohol Research UK's next annual conference ‘Alcohol Through the Life Course’, takes place on Tuesday, 18th March 2014 in London - see full programme here.
The full conference programme is now available for the forthcoming New Directions in the Study of Alcohol Group 2014 conference which will take place in Dundee, Scotland from 23rd April to 26th April.
The event includes symposiums on the implications of independence for Scottish alcohol policy, minumum unit pricing and Scottish-based ABI (alcohol brief intervention) research, and more.. Download booking form here or see the wesbite for more details.