The government is consulting on whether to relax licensing hours nationally during the FIFA World Cup 2014. Under consideration is a national order to relax licensing hours, or whether to stick to requiring 'Temporary Event Notices' (TENs) authorised locally.
England games will be kicking off between 8pm and 11pm, with the consultation asking whether an extension of three, three and half or four hours after kick-off should be given, should a national relaxation be ordered. The extension would only apply to pubs and on-trade premises, though of course many off-licenses and indeed on-trade premises already have later opening hours.
Under the Licensing Act 2003, licensed premises can give notice that they intend to extend their hours on a limited basis using the Temporary Event Notice (TENs) system. Police and environmental health authorities can object to a TEN on the basis of the licensing objectives, such as prevention of crime and disorder.
Concerns have been reported from the Home Office, police and council chiefs and research last year showed that England games could increase incidents of domestic abuse by up to 38%. Earlier this year the Home Office had ruled out the option of a national relaxation, but the Prime Minister ordered a "re-think" soon after.
The consultation document states almost 90% of on-trade premises could benefit from a national relaxation until 1am on Sunday 15 June. Premises would make small savings in not having to apply for TENs but could make significant additional revenue, while it would relieve local authorities from considering "potentially thousands of TENs". It does not estimate the cost of potential increased crime and disorder, but states 15% of all violent incidents take place in or around a pub or club, and that 49% of all violent crimes are alcohol-related.
The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) welcomed the decision and encouraged publicans to respond to the consultation. The BBPA has produced guidance for pubs to help ensure that the World Cup screenings are safe. The guidance is intended as a template for pubs, local authorities and police and provides a checklist for licensees.
The Home Office are requesting responses via the online form or further options and details here. The deadline for responses is 26 March 2014.