The alcohol IBA blog was set up to promote learning, understanding and the delivery of IBA through news, links and ideas on IBA from a range of contributors.
Recent posts from the IBA blog are highlighted below:
- Clarifying Brief Interventions: 2013 update – beware ‘IBA lite’? The recent briefing looked at 'IBA lite' as increasingly popular, reflecting its simplistic appeal. But what opportunities are being lost if we are offering just a leaflet and not 'brief advice'?.. Read more here...
- Can ‘nudge’ help IBA delivery? There may be some simple ‘nudges’ for supporting IBA delivery that are being overlooked. This blog explores what 'nudge' is and how some 'nudges' might help increase IBA activity...Read more here...
- Selincro & IBA Selincro or 'Nalmafene' is a new drug for treatment of mild to moderate dependence in conjunction with psychosocial interventions. This post raises some very important issues and concerns – about medicalisation, and how appropriately the drug will be used in practice.... Read more here...
- Are we using social media enough to enhance alcohol working? What missed social media opportunities are there for using Twitter, Facebook and the likes to promote substance misuse work?... Read more here...
- IBA – before addiction sets in… One of the fundamental points about IBA is that it is an early intervention – a chance for a drinker to change their alcohol use before it becomes a problem. Read more here...
Other key IBA blog posts include:
- Full AUDIT screening Vs shorter tools (FAST, AUDIT-C etc) for IBA
- IBA – making it happen?
- SIPS Primary Care Research: not just a leaflet
- Step-by-step IBA (in a nutshell)
The blog also has specific 'About IBA' and 'IBA tools' pages and also aims to highlight other resources such as INEBRIA and the Alcohol Learning Centre IBA pages.
Please get in touch if you have any IBA projects or ideas to share.
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