Following the release of the Alcohol Matrix, the first in a series of 'matrix bites' have been released the Drug and Alcohol Effectiveness Bank on the theme of alcohol screening and brief interventions, often known as 'IBA' in England.
- Matrix Bite 1: Alcohol: Screening and brief interventions explains that screening and brief interventions usually aim to reduce alcohol-related harm across a population of drinkers rather than focusing on dependent individuals
- Alcohol Matrix Bite 2: Practitioners; Screening and brief intervention looks at whether impact depends on the interpersonal style and other features of the person doing the counselling
- Alcohol Matrix Bite 3: Management/supervision; Screening and brief intervention looks how implementation and impact are affected by the management functions of selecting, training and managing staff and managing the intervention programme
- Alcohol Matrix Bite 4: Organisational functioning; screening and brief intervention looks at how implementation and impact are affected by how the organisation responsible for the programme supports managers, supervisors and staff, and creates an environment conducive to screening and brief intervention.
- Alcohol Matrix Bite 5: Treatment systems; screening and brief intervention looks at how implementation and impact are affected by commissioning, contracting and purchasing decisions across an administrative area.
The drug and alcohol matrixes were recently released by the Drug and Alcohol Findings Effectiveness Bank for the Substance Misuse Skills Consortium to support practitioners, managers and commissioners to access the key research and evidence. The weekly Matrix bites can be used as cumulating to a year-long foundation course on the evidence base for treatment and allied interventions.
An Alcohol IBA blog explores brief interventions news and ideas and the Alcohol Learning Centre has pages covering IBA links and resources. INEBRIA is the International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol and Other Drugs.