Research briefing: Identifying the evidence base
Alcohol Research UK have released a Research briefing: Identifying the evidence base, providing an overview of the resources available online for people wanting to access or produce research in the alcohol field. PDF version here.
The briefing focuses on UK based sources of drug and alcohol research, including key journals, organisations, networks, libraries and further resources of use to the field.
Alcohol Research UK are also currently recruiting new trustees to help the charity achieve its plans for the future, which include increasing the size of their research programme, developing new partnerships, creating a practical evidence-base on research into alcohol harm and raising their profile and influence amongst key decision-makers.
Alcohol Research UK wish to appoint up to four new trustees who can bring relevant skills and experience - find out more about the role and download an application pack. A list of existing trustees and an organisational structure can be viewed here.
2014 Conference
Alcohol Research UK's next annual conference ‘Alcohol Through the Life Course’, will be held on Tuesday, 18th March 2014 in London. It includes a series of leading reserach figures including Professor Robin Room, Professor Harry Sumnall, Professor Jim Orford, Tim Stockwell and many more - see full programme here.
An £85 (or £50 for students) Early Bird discounted rate finishes on the 16th of December.
Invitations are also open for Alcohol Research UK's Research and Development Grants Programme 2014. The first application stage for initial application forms is Wednesday, 11 December 2013. For further details on the research priorities and application process see here.