An updated guidance document to support strategic and commissioning approaches to drug and alcohol treatment was released by Public Health England last month.
It aims to support the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) process and local joint health and wellbeing strategies. These underpin local delivery for drug and alcohol treatment and prevention, now the responsibility of local authorities.
The support pack focuses on drug drug prevention, treatment and recovery, but also includes the 'alcohol stocktake self assessment tool' released earlier this year. It also details commissioning principles for adult alcohol and drugs prevention, treatment and recovery. It also outlines the ambition for integrated commissioning which should deliver improved outcomes monitored via the Public Health Outcomes Framework.
Alcohol Concern recently released a Guide to Alcohol for Councillors, which aims to help councillors meet the new commissioning challenges and harms realting to alcohol. Comprehensive NICE alcohol guidance is also available, including detailed benchmarking tools. NICE also recently released Public Health Guidance for local authorities.
A host of other alcohol-related guidance has also been released in recent years, and the Alcohol Learning Centre also includes pages highlighting data tools and commissioning.