The industry funded alcohol education charity Drinkaware has put out a call for evidence to inform a new approach to address 'binge drinking'.
Drinkaware describes its aim as providing consumers with information to make informed decisions about the effects of alcohol on their lives and lifestyles. It says its public education programmes, expert information, and resources help create awareness and effect positive change.
Recently Drinkaware released a 2012 impact report, detailing activities and reported impacts on target groups. Earlier this year an independent audit gave Drinkaware a mixed review of its impact over recent years.
Drinkaware are calling for evidence from all interested parties to inform Drinkaware’s future approach to binge drinking. In particular they are interested in "factors which drive ‘binge’ drinking, with an emphasis on evidence of relevance to Drinkaware’s work on alcohol education, consumer information campaigns and local partnerships." See here for further information on specific areas of interest. The research will inform a report to be published in February 2014.
Submissions should be received by Friday 11th October. They can be made either by e-mail to the researcher Simon Christmas at [email protected] or by post to the research company at Simon Christmas Ltd, 31-35 Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3HZ.