Alcohol Concern are promoting Alcohol Awareness Week (AAW) 2013 to take place from 18-24 November, encouraging local areas to promote conversations and awarenss of alcohol and its impact.
Alcohol Concern have produced an outline of ideas and materials for organisations [pdf] who might wish to take part. Last year we reviewed Alcohol Awareness Week 2012 including a variety of twitter and local activity.
On 19th November Alcohol Concern are also hosting their annual conference on the theme of 'conversations about alcohol' - details and booking here. On the 18th September Alcohol Concern are also hosting a conference on Alcohol and the World of Work: International Perspectives and Solutions in Wrexham.
Alcohol Concern are also planning Dry January 2014. See here for the guide and further Dry January information for individuals and organisations. See here for a review of last year's Dry January activity.