In 2011 the Department of Health led Alcohol Improvement Programme (AIP) concluded a number of initiatives including most of the regional alcohol programmes. With localism a key Government objective, local partnerships are responsible for determining their own priorities. However a number of areas have maintained regional approaches as updated below.
In London the 'Safe Sociable London Partnership' (SSLP) has now been established to continue the regional activity previously undertaken by the shadow London Health Improvement Board (LHIB).
The SSLP is a London Partnership supported by local boroughs, Public Health England and the Greater London Authority (GLA) to deliver alcohol improvement work at local and regional level in London. The SSLP is continuing to support and develop a range of projects spanning health, licensing and other areas.
In particular, work around strengthening Public Health team's input into licensing processes is being developed following the release of a Licensing toolkit. A number of projects are also being delivered to support the implementation of Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) across the capital including an IBA network, a London 'minimum standard', pathways work, and a London Probation Alcohol Champions project. Pilot projects are also being delivered around Pharmacy scratchcards, sexual health and IBA for homeless groups.
North West
North East
Balance say partners in the North East have shown vision and commitment to tackling alcohol-related harms and continuing to support Balance. Work includes ensuring alcohol remains a priority for public sector organisations in the region, alongside work on building public and political support for measures to reduce the affordability, availability and desirability of excessive consumption.
Balance recently found 80% of police officers in the North East will be subjected to an alcohol-related assault during their career.
Public Health England, which has now taken over responsibilities of the former NTA, will also be working to support and develop strategic action around alcohol and sets out its overal alcohol objectives here. Other non statutory organisations will also be continuing to deliver various programmes - watch this space.