This month an event took place exploring 'Alcohol consumption in adolescence and early adult life: What are the consequences?'. It was organised by the Cohorts and Longitudinal Studies Enhancement Resources (CLOSER), a consortium of the UK’s leading birth cohort and longitudinal studies.
'High alcohol consumption – especially among young people – continues to be a major social and public health concern in the UK. As drinking can often lead to long-term health problems, some of which only emerge after several years, this conference focused on the unique perspective provided by longitudinal evidence. It looked at the trajectories of alcohol consumption, and the health and social consequences of high levels of consumption during the transition to adulthood.
The symposium opened up the dialogue between longitudinal researchers, policy makers and third sector organisations who are leading thinking in this area. By including speakers from both research and policy, it aimed to share the latest evidence on alcohol consumption among young people, review current and future policy priorities in this area, and to identify gaps in the evidence base.'
- Professor Jennifer Maggs, Pennsylvania State University (keynote)
Life-course consequences of adolescent and early adult drinking: Challenges and open questions (PDF)
- Professor Jane Elliott, Director of CLOSER
Introduction to the symposium (PDF)
- Dr Jeremy Staff, Pennsylvania State University
Consequences and correlates of alcohol use at 16 and beyond: empirical findings from the British Cohort Studies (PDF)
- Dr Ann Hoskins, Public Health England
Alcohol, children and young people: Opportunities in the new public health system in England (PDF)
- Neil Dube, Department for Education
Policy making and its relationship with evidence and research (PDF)
- Dr Carly Lightowlers, Liverpool John Moores University
Drinking patterns and violent behaviour amongst young people in England and Wales (PDF)
- Dr Gareth Hagger-Johnson and Dr Nicola Shelton, UCL Drinking and non-drinking in young people: Evidence from British Cohort studies (PDF)