The Alcohol Research UK annual conference recently took place at the Wellcome Conference Centre in London on 12th March, exploring Alcohol and British Society. Some of the key talks and presentations are available and highlighted below.
Professor Mark Bellis: Health and Inequalities
Professor Bellis from Liverpool John Moores University, examined some of the possible reasons behind the “alcohol harm paradox” - how the poorest 20% of people in Britain suffered twice the levels of alcohol related harm as the most affluent 20% – despite reporting similar levels of alcohol consumption.
Professor Bellis said, “There are a number of possible explanations... These include differences in drinking patterns, hidden alcohol consumption and a cumulative health impact from poor diet, housing and other health challenges that leave people more vulnerable to the damages alcohol causes.”
Dr David Foxcroft: Developmental Epidemiology and Prevention
Dr David Foxcroft discuss some of the latest research into alcohol education and prevention in schools, in particular the impact of programmes such as the Good Behaviour Game and the Strengthening Families programme.
Developmental Epidemiology and Prevention (PPT) David Foxcroft
Professor Jonathan Chick and Dr Jan Gill – A Tale of Two Cities
Professor Jonathan Chick and Dr Jan Gill discuss findings from their ongoing research into drinking behaviours in Glasgow and Edinburgh. Their research supports the evidence that those drinking at the most harmful levels purchase the cheapest alcohol – particularly white cider and cheap vodka.
A Tale of Two Cities (PPT) Jonathan Chick and Jan Gill
Paul Wallace and Stuart Linke: Ten Years Experience with Down Your Drink (DYD)
Professor Paul Wallace and Stuart Linke give an overview of the Down Your Drink online screening and brief advice website. The presentation describes how the intervention has been amended over time, and presents feedback from a number of people who have used the site.
Digital Approaches to Alcohol Problems: Ten Years Experience with Down Your Drink (PPT) Paul Wallace and Stuart Linke
FEAD (the Film Exchange on Alcohol and Drugs) will shortly be putting up videos from the day.
An Alcohol Research UK symposium on alcohol policy will be taking place at the forthcoming New Directions in the Study of Alcohol Group conference ‘Alcohol Spills Over' on 25th to 28th April 2013.