The shadow London Health Improvement Board (LHIB) has co-ordinated the development of a Licensing Information Pack to support local licensing activity.
Download Licensing Information Pack: resources to inform local action on alcohol misuse (pdf)
Section One covers 'Information, Guidance & Tools', which outlines a range of local and national data sources; the organisations that collect them; and how to access the data.
Section Two presents four London case studies giving real-life examples of how the evidence base has been used to inform local area decision-making and licensing policy.
The development of the Information Pack followed feedback from delegates at the recent London Licensing Network Events. Delegates, who included licensing officers, trading standards officers, and the police, highlighted that issues around inter-agency information-sharing impeded the development of strategies to combat the negative impact of alcohol.
The Local Government Association (LGA) recently published guidance on Public health and alcohol licensing in England and other resources. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) recently released an alcohol public health briefing for local authorities. See here for an e-learning course on A&E data sharing and data sharing guidance.
All Home Office licensing guidance can be accessed here, including revised guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and amended guidance on the late night levy [pdf].