The shadow London Health Improvement Board (LHIB) alcohol programme has been continuing to push regional level action to address alcohol misuse on a number of priority areas, delivering a series of events, briefings and other projects.
Through the Vision and Partnership strand, a series of workshops are being hosted to support local roles in effective partnership and advocacy action (places available to London roles on 25 & 27 March). Through the Licensing and Enforcement strand, a second Licensing Network event took place on the 15th March supporting effective partnership action and the development of public health approaches. Through the Early Intervention strand, the IBA Practitioners' Network has continued to support the objective of Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) delivered effectively across a range of settings.
IBA in sexual health settings - LHIB briefing
Also produced is a briefing note on the delivery of Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) in sexual health settings (pdf). The development of the briefing was supported by the London Sexual Health Programme, UCL, Chelsea and Westminster hospital, and Alcohol Concern.
Economic Case for Alcohol - LHIB briefing
A briefing paper which outlines the economic case for taking action on alcohol in London has also been developed. Download 'Taking Action on Alcohol in London: the case for action' (pdf).
IBA leadership summit - presentations and event report
The IBA leadership summit in January brought together over 130 senior decision makers and leaders and included presentations and workshops from a range of IBA experts. See here for the London IBA leadership summit 2013 write up (pdf) including presentations from the day.
A range of other initiatives are also underway, including an IBA scratchcard initiative to facilitate IBA delivery in Pharmacy settings, and the development of a London 'minimum standard' to ensure and support effective IBA delivery. Previously summary reviews of IBA across London and IBA across London Criminal Justice Settings were published.