The think-tank Demos has produced a follow up report further emphasising the influence of parenting style on children’s drinking as teenagers and later in life. Demos claim that ‘tough love’ parenting – a parenting style that combines warmth with consistent discipline – is the best protection against young people developing later life alcohol problems.
Download Feeling the Effects and see a summary blog piece by one of the authors. An NHS Choices review of the report is also available.
In 2011 Demos produced a report based on a study of over 15,000 children stating parenting style is one of the most important and statistically reliable influences on children's later life alcohol use.The findings appeared to be corroborated by a JRF report that emphasised the importance of parents in influencing teenager's drinking, and research reviews assessing parenting interventions.
However a critical blog post by Phil Mellows suggests 'blaming the parents' is a poor policy approach, which neglects to consider wider environmental factors. Mellows questions the analysis and points out the report was sponsored by SABMiller who wish to scupper the Government's minimum pricing plans.
Demos' latest report nonetheless claims that parenting-focused initiatives should be the central tenet of alcohol harm reduction policy. The report's recommendations include:
- Information campaigns targeted at parents to increase understanding of alcohol misuse and the benefits of a 'tough love' parenting style
- Identification and brief advice (IBA) to help parents reduce alcohol misuse
- Early identification of and support for parents who may have a drinking problem, while their children are still young
- Alcohol support initiatives to include ‘parent-child engagement sessions’ to give children a voice.
- Alcohol support programmes to focus on parenting and advise on parenting techniques
Drinkaware has a web-page for parents aimed at promoting earlier conversations about alcohol. Further reports and guidance related to children and young people can be found here on the Alcohol Learning Centre, including the CMO guidance. Last year two reports called for the protection of children from alcohol harm.