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Monday, July 23, 2012


Hi Andrew, good points, and thanks for the Blueprints presentations. This is a key issue with the brief intervention agenda too!

I think the effectiveness of programmes is a very interesting subject.

Foxcroft and Tsertsvadze in their recent Cochrane review of school based alcohol prevention programmes did find a small number that have sufficient evidence to allow them to suggest they could be "considered as policy and practice options".

And as I'm sure you'll be aware the economic modelling done for NICE suggests that even small effects if delivered universally can make economic sense, something that's reinforced by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy work on cost benefit ratios for various programmes.

But, as I recently saw in an excellent presentation on the Blueprints website an intervention is one thing implementation is another.

Whether this has any baring on the Drinkaware programme we'll have to wait and see.

When are Government policy-makers going to realise that more significant - than the addictive effects of alcohol - is the infant and juvenile ages at which our ancient laws permit alcohol to be a drunk IN THE HOME.

Thus giving our youngsters 13 years of legalised training and practice in alcohol consumption BEFORE they reach the so-called "legal drinking age"

So, until the law is changed, it is up to sensible parents to make sure their children do not succumb to the alcohol habit which opens the door to other addictive substance usage.

Kenneth Eckersley,
CEO Addiction Recovery Training Services, a not-for-profit community support operation established in 1975.

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