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Tuesday, June 05, 2012


I work with women misusing alcohol, who are middle aged, usually Mothers, either stay at home or professionals, who have become dependant on wine o'clock, they are most definitely hidden. Too ashamed to own up to GPs, as well as concerned that their drinking habits will be on record, they have very few options for help. It is becoming a problem of epic proportions, and on serves to show their children that drinking the social oil, wine, daily is acceptable and the norm. They need empathy and a network of support for them to ever be treated with success.

The figures confirm the worrying trend of Britain’s hidden binge drinkers (25-44 year olds) who drink more heavily and more regularly than young adults."

It seems that the alcohol strategy and most resources are aimed at the wrong people. They're either aimed at harden alcoholics or young people.

I like the sounds of IBA and I can see this reaching some of the people in 25-44 age group.

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