Alcohol Related Hospital Statistics 2012
Scotland's Information Services Division (ISD) has published alcohol-related hospital discharge statistics in the latest Alcohol-related Hospital Statistics report (full pdf report here). Key findings include:
- In 2010/11, there were 38,825 alcohol-related discharges from a general acute hospital in Scotland (a rate of 695 discharges per 100,000 population).
- In 2010/11, the rate of alcohol-related discharges from general acute hospitals was 7.6 times greater from patients living in the most deprived areas (category 1), compared to those living in the least deprived areas (category 5).
- Rates of alcohol-related discharge were highest in the 50 to 54 years age group with a rate of 1,319 discharges per 100,000 population.
- The rate of alcohol-related discharges from a general acute hospital decreased by over 2% between 2009/10 and 2010/11.
- Alcohol dependence was recorded in 69% (2,807) of all alcohol-related discharges from psychiatric hospitals
Statistics for England can be found here.
Scottish Drink Drive limit to be lowered
The drink-drive limit in Scotland will be lowered "as a priority", according to the BBC. Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill said plans to lower the limit from 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood to 50mg will be brought forward later this year. Doctors welcomed plans according to The Herald.
Last year in England the Government decided to keep the 80mg legal limit despite a report advising it to be lowered in line with most of Europe.
Retail sales data and discount ban impact reports
Two reports have been recently released as part of the Monitoring and Evaluating Scotland’s Alcohol Strategy:
- A review of the validity and reliability of alcohol retail sales data
- Preliminary descriptive analysis of the impact of the quantity discount ban on off trade alcohol sales in Scotland
Scotland's Alcohol Minimum Pricing Bill was passed last month, meaning a 50 pence minimum unit price (MUP) could be in place north of the border by April next year.