A selection of recent posts from the IBA blog, a resource promoting news, links and ideas relating to alcohol brief interventions are included below:
- Extended Brief Interventions: who, when, where, and other questions?
- IBA for children and young people: evidence, guidance and resources?
- Is self-completing the AUDIT OK for IBA?
- IBA for alcohol… and diet…and physical activity…and smoking….and…
- A breath of fresh air: when GPs do IBA
- How to decide what to do, whatever the evidence.
- Is the unit message getting through?
- INEBRIA Conference 2012
- Audiovisual resources can be invaluable in IBA training
The IBA blog was set up to promote learning, understanding and the delivery of IBA through regular items and updates on IBA from a range of contributors. It also aims to highlight other resources and links such as INEBRIA and the Alcohol Learning Centre IBA pages.