NTA consultation on alcohol treatment outcome measures
The National Treatment Agency (NTA) has opened a consultation for a three month period on the introduction of outcome measures into the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) alcohol dataset.
The proposed outcome measures are outlined in this consultation document which explores 10 specific questions relating to developing outcome recording. The questions seek views on key outcome indicators including consumption, physical and mental health, housing status and other measures.
The deadline for responses is 20th September 2012. Existing national alcohol treatment data can be seen here, and details on the Payment by Results pilots here.
DoH update on Public Health Funding
The Department of Health have released Healthy Lives, Healthy People: update on Public Health Funding - DH release here.
The document outlines conditions on the ring fenced public health grant which will be under the control of local authorities to fund drug and alcohol treatment from April 2013. The document indicates how the grant may be used, including proposals for local authority financial reporting requirements on public health spend.