HAGA has launched DontBottleItUp, a website that allows visitors to work out the level of risk they are at as a result of their drinking and access personalised advice online. For areas such as Haringey where it is commissioned locally, users can find out where to get face-to-face support.
DontBottleItUp was developed with support from the Department of Health and aims to improve local best practice in prevention and early intervention, whilst also building clear pathways into treatment. The site aims to add value to existing Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) activity, such as the alcohol Direct Enhanced Service and NHS Health Checks and uses the validated AUDIT alcohol screening questions.
HAGA suggest the site can be used to target individuals who may not engage with mainstream health services - i.e. young people - through targeted marketing. DontBottleItUp additionally aims to offer professionals a best practice resource which they can use directly with individuals or as a training aid.
DontBottleItUp is open to all and so can be used in all local areas but the site’s Postcode Finder function is only set up to provide information for Haringey. However there is potential for local areas to purchase tailored versions of the site in order to provide local service information, along with a campaigns package, including banner stands, posters and business cards - for more information contact [email protected] or call 07917423664.
Alcohol Research UK recently highlighted a Findings review of the potential effectiveness of web-based self-help resources. The review indicates that web-based self-help resources can play a role in supporting risky drinkers to cut down.