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Friday, March 23, 2012


This will not target the people that are the problem. To be honest if you closed down these massive clubs, shut down the likes of weatherpersons (who are the biggest problems for bad drinking in this country) Put proper landlords, (not 19/20 yr old managers) who are there to stay in pubs, make huge pub chains sell of their stock to smaller private companies and subsidize live in landlords THAT will sort out a lot of this country's problems as far as drinking is concerned.

There's still a long way to go.
We need to tackle the supermarkets that actively encourage excessive drinking, making it unappealing to purchase small sensible amounts of alcohol. Selling spirits to known alcoholics in the early hours of the morning.
Why is the industry allowed to sell alcohol in half bottle flasks that are designed to be concealed on the person by illigitimate drinkers?

Let's hope the minimum price will be high enough and that the EU accepts it.
For a conservative government this is a strong signal. Other countries should follow.

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