New Directions in the Study of Alcohol Group (NDSAG) has announced its 2012 conference which will explore 21 years of experience and the future for motivational interviewing.
The conference will include a keynote from Professor Stephen Rollnick, author of 'Behaviour Change: a guide for health care professionals' and co-author with Bill Miller of the seminal 'Motivational Interviewing'.
Download the flyer New Directions and Motivational Interviewing 21 years of experience and the future for motivational interviewing or the Welsh verison here.
NDSAG 2012 takes place from Thursday 24th May 2012 to Sunday 27th May 2012, in Llandindrod Wells, Powys, Wales. Other keynote speakers will include Professor Keith Humphreys and Professor Nick Heather amongst others.
NDSAG are also announcing The Ron McKechnie Prize, a competition to submit a paper for publication in the New Directions in the Study of Alcohol Group 2012 Journal. The prize for the winning article will be a bursary for free attendance including registration, accommodation and meals for the full conference. The prize commemorates the memory of Ron McKechnie, one of the founding members of NDSAG, who sadly died last year.
The conference will also feature the annual Alcohol Research UK (formerly AERC) symposium to showcase some of the key research recently funded.
For more infromation visit the NDSAG site or blog, or download the booking form or call for papers. For queries email [email protected].