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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


As I'm not familiar with the UK Communications Act 2003, I can't see why the video was ruled out? I think it's as accurate as it can be (perhaps the ruling was to diminish any destruction of future business for alcohol ads seen in the commercial). Over here, across the pond, we've plenty of campaigns reaching youth in a similar manner, e.g. Truth campaign for anti-tobacco. People do need to know that up to 50% of under-18s that were extensively exposed to alcohol advertising were more likely to develop alcohol dependence in adulthood, alongside a nasty slew of chronic diseases (heart disease, stroke).

I realize this website is primarily for UK alcohol awareness and media advocacy, but if you could, would you keep up to date with the alcohol awareness campaigns in North America?

From what I've seen so far, Canada's just realized the importance of alcohol and advertising and has yet to act on the information. And in the US, Governor McDonnell recently signed on for restriction of alcohol ads on billboards, around youth-populated areas and especially around schools. Clearly this is important and the UK's got a leg up on the matter.

Please keep up what you're doing and perhaps broaden it to other mega-centers of Western drinking, i.e. Canada and the USA. It definitely helps with media advocacy for policy change.

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