A report released by Alcohol Concern shows a link between the density of off-licensed premises and harm from alcohol in underage drinkers. The study found that overall, in areas with a higher concentration of off-licences there are higher numbers of young people ending up in hospital as a result of drinking.
Download One on every corner: the relationship between off-license density and alcohol harms in young people
The report found that excluding London, an England average of a 2:1 relationship exists between the number off-licences per 100,000 of population and hospital admissions by underage drinkers for alcohol specific admissions such as alcohol poisoning or intoxication. London has consistently lower levels of consumption amongst young people, most likely explained by the greater ethnic demographic mix.
The report argues that Government needs to introduce measures that reduce the general availability of alcohol by controlling off-licence density, warning that simply relying on better enforcement of underage sales may not be enough protection. Although in England councils can set up ‘saturation zones’ in local areas to restrict new licenses, licensees can appeal. Unlike Scotland, there is currently no public health objective on licensing in England.
Don Shenker, Chief Executive of Alcohol Concern, said:
“It is a failing of the current system that so many licences are being granted without due consideration to young people’s health... Local licensing committees are currently operating with one arm tied behind their backs. Current licensing legislation does not give licensing committees enough power to restrict high density of licensed premises. A new health objective should be included in the Licensing Act to enable local authorities to refuse new licenses in order reduce alcohol-related harm and protect young people."
Professor Sir Ian Gilmore of the Royal College of Physicians said “This research further underlines the need for a comprehensive alcohol strategy from the government, which tackles the affordability, promotion and the availability of alcohol.”
See reports from the Guardian, BBC and the Daily Mail.
See here for a Findings Bank analysis on a US review of limiting licensed premises density to curb alcohol-related harm. See here for an evaluation of Scotland's Licensing law and the public health objective.
I noticed this correlation years ago. When I was a child off-licenses were for grown-ups, most often side access to a pub with obscure glass door and a five foot high counter. Even most of the bottles were dark glass. Nowadays you can pick up alcohol where you buy your bread, and the labelling and brightly coloured liquid (in some cases) is clearly aimed at attracting young people.
Posted by: Julie Lee | Tuesday, September 06, 2011 at 10:35 AM