A BBC Panorama alcohol feature this week questioned the level of industry influence over Government policy whilst exploring the impact of alcohol misuse within hospitals. Scrutinising Government alcohol policy, Panorama revealed that industry representation on the Government and Partners Alcohol Working Group had recently increased from a few up to 7 out of the 16 members.
Panorama's 'Dying for a Drink' is available on iplayer until 14th August 2011. See coverage from the Independent, Guardian and Daily Telegraph.
The role of industry within the Coalition's alcohol policy has attracted ongoing attention, particularly since the withdrawal of key health groups from the alcohol Responsibility Deal.
A Department of Health spokesman said: "We are committed to challenging the assumption that the only way to change people's behaviour is through adding to rules and regulations." The spokesman added that the Coalition was keen to "work with the industry on voluntary agreements to get speedier results".
But Don Shenker, chief executive of Alcohol Concern, said "The government needs to decide if it really does want to get to grips with the significant levels of alcohol harm in the UK, or stick with the status quo of allowing the drinks industry to call the shots. It can't have it both ways."
A new national alcohol strategy is expected later in the year. See a recent Alcohol Policy UK guest comment on Alcohol policy: determinants, influence and the media.