AGMA, the association of 10 local authorities in Manchester considering a local minimum price, have released an interim report assessing the potential move. Councillor Cliff Morris, Chair of the Greater Manchester Health Commission, said:"The interim report recognises that there are a number of complex issues which require more investigation including the legal, economic, health and social implications of such an approach before any steps to create a bylaw are considered." See press release and reports in the Publican and Daily Mail.
Speaking at the Responsible Drinks Retailing Awards 2010 conference, Home Office Minister James Brokenshire praised the work of pubwatches and responsible retailing schemes. See his speech here, in which he also emphasised the importance of Community Alcohol Partnerships and age verification schemes. However on-trade concerns over the licensing reforms were re-iterated in this Morning Advertiser feature following the speech. A piece on the Publican has also recently asked 'Will the government ever stand up to the supermarkets?'
Street marshals have been funded by local businesses in Leeds to help reduce alcohol-related crime and disorder - Daily Mail. The Safer Leicester Partnership are trying alcohol awareness courses as an alternative to on the spot fines as part of a pilot scheme.