JRF ethnicity and alcohol review
A literature review of evidence on drinking patterns among minority ethnic groups in the UK over the last 15 years and on service provision for this group has been produced by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. See the the report and summary page here.
The review:
- describes drinking levels as reported in national surveys and local research;
- considers why drinking rates among ethnic groups may change over time;
- examines help-seeking, support and service provision for minority ethnic groups;
- examines how services are equipped to respond to the needs of minority ethnic groups.
BME national alcohol workshop
A national workshop event covering alcohol issues relating to Black and Minority Ethnic groups in the UK took place in Peterborough on the 6th July. See here for presentations from the event and supporting workshops.
The Alcohol Learning Centre is currently pulling together some BME resources and are interested to hear if you have examples of local practice that you are willing to share with others working to reduce alcohol related harm. Please get in touch with Helen Young, ALC Manager to discuss at: [email protected].