A number of licensed premises in Colchester have been warned to ditch irresponsible promotions that are in breach of the new mandatory alcohol retailing code, according to the Morning Advertiser. The local borough council have written to premises breaching the code advising them to withdraw the promotions or face a license review. Two nightclubs have now stopped promotions that offered 12 drinks and free entry for a set price.
The council’s letter also reportedly promises 'much closer scrutiny' of venues that 'negatively and irresponsibly' sell alcohol below £1.50 per drink, similar to the so called local 'minimum pricing' approach taken in Oldham last year. However club Luminar has reportedly shunned the police and council-backed 'gentleman’s agreement' not to sell drinks below £1.50 in Essex town, saying it risks breaking competition law.
Guidance for retailers on the mandatory code has been released by the Home Office: 'Selling Alcohol Responsibly: The New Mandatory Licensing Conditions'