The first AERC Alcohol Academy
workshops in the North East took place last month, covering key topics
for the region of alcohol and older people and cocaethylene (combined
cocaine and alcohol use). The Academy ran the workshops for alcohol
leads and practitioners in partnership with Balance, the North East's regional alcohol office.
Workshop 1: Alcohol and Older People presentations
- 'Alcohol and Older People: context, issues and the future?' James Morris, Alcohol Academy download here (pdf)
- 'Alcohol risk and harm in later life: A research study in collaboration with Age Concern South of Tyne and Wear' Dr Katie Lock, Newcastle University download here (pdf)
- 'The White House Project' A pilot project for older people with alcohol needs, Mandy English, Debbie Peebles and Mark Stephenson download here (pdf)
Workshop 2: Cocaethylene presentations
- 'Cocaethylene: from pope to practioner' Chris Paling, Swanswell download here (pdf)
- 'Cocaine and the heart' Dr Stephen Murray, The Freeman Hospital download here (pdf)
- 'Cocaethylene: impact on the night time economy' Sergeant Tim Robson download here (pdf)