The finalised 08/09 NI 39 hospital admissions data was published by the North West Public Health Observatory's (NWPHO) Local Alchol Profiles for England (LAPE) earlier this month. Their December E-bulletin highlighted some key findings in comparison with the previous year’s figures:
- The latest figures for the National Alcohol Indicator (NI39) show that there were 863,257 admissions to hospital for alcohol-related harm in England in 2007/08, an 8% increase from the previous year or an additional 176 alcohol related admissions every day.
- The numbers of people being admitted to hospital in 2007/08 due to alcohol rose by 6% to 561,642 individuals (an increase of 31,641 people).
- Deaths in 2005-2007 from chronic liver disease increased by 2.8% for men to 10,928 individuals and by 2.4% for women to 6,293 individuals.
- Claims for Incapacity Benefit (IB)/ Severe Disablement Allowance due to alcoholism rose by 2.6% to 42,000 in November 2008, while deaths from transport accidents attributable to alcohol in 2005-2007 fell by 2%, or a decrease of 59 deaths from the previous year.
- The LAs with the highest levels of alcohol-related harm overall are in the North West, while those LAs with the lowest levels are mainly in the south of England.