The annual Alcohol Concern conference took place last month, also marking 25 years of campaigning to reduce alcohol-related harm by the organisation.
Prominent speakers on the day included Professor Mark Bellis (Centre of Public Health), Professor Martin Plant and speakers from the Joeseph Rowntree Foundation, St Mungo's and Women's aid. Links to download the presentations can be found here and a conference report will be written in Alcohol Concern membership magazine.
The conference also announced the release of the report 'Future proof - Can we afford the cost of drinking too much? Mortality, morbidity and drink driving in the UK, available to download here.
The event concluded with a panel debate between Ministers who outlined their policies on alcohol harm and took questions from the floor. The current Minister of State for Public Health, Gillian Merron, said that Labour had not ruled out minimum pricing, arguing further research was needed. Liberal Democrat Minister Norman Lamb supported minimum pricing, but the Conservative Shadow Minister for Health, Anne Milton, outlined 'targeted taxes' as their approach.