Recent consultation on alcohol guidelines for children and young people have shown significant support for current proposals, the Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) has revealed in a recent press release.
The consultation asked how the government can best help young people make informed choices about alcohol consumption, and whether there was support for the Chief Medical Officer's (CMO) proposed guidelines. Consultation responses also showed strong support for advice and information for parents, and that the government did have a role to play in delivering this.
See here for a summary of the consultation responses (pdf)
The consultation formed part of the government's Youth Alcohol Action Plan (YAAP) which set out to ask parents, young people and other stakeholders their views about ‘safer drinking’ guidance.
The DCSF reports that:
'As a result of the consultation, the guidelines set by Sir Liam Donaldson will remain unchanged and will form part of a communications campaign later in the year as well as informing Sir Liam Donaldson’s final guidance document for professionals working with young people in the autumn.
The Government is working with schools, charities, the drinks industry and other agencies to develop a high impact campaign that aims to ensure that when a young person makes a decision to drink alcohol, that they drink less and are aware of the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption.'