A tide of alcohol conferences and events are approaching so we thought we'd summarise what's happening. You can also follow or notify us of events for the Alcohol Policy events calender.
Forthcoming events:
- Wed Nov 4 - Future proof? How does the UK become a social drinker? Alcohol Concern annual conference and AGM - Glaziers Hall, 9 Montague Close, London Bridge, London SE1 9DD
- Thu Nov 5 - 67th Alcohol Problems Research Symposium - Stonecross Manor Hotel, Cumbria LA9 5HP, details from Professor Martin Plant
- Fri Nov 13 - Youth, Alcohol & Crime (problems & effective response) - international conference - Bristol
- Tue Nov 24 & Wed 25 - Safe. Sensible. Social: Supporting Delivery 4th National Alcohol Conference - Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool (registration not yet open)
The Home Office's 40 Alcohol Enforcement Skills Development seminars are also filling up quickly.
There is also reportedly an ACPO National Licensing Conference in York on 30 September and 1st October but we don't have details as yet!
The INEBRIA 2009 brief interventions conference is also reportedly full.
Finally if you are an alcohol coordinator or strategic lead in the York & Humber region you should be aware of the AERC Alcohol Academy event in Leeds on the 11th November.