The Home Office are running a series of ten events around England and Wales in July and August 2009 as part of the consultation on the code of practice for alcohol retailers. They want participants from the alcohol retail industry, licensing authorities, health bodies or enforcement agencies.
These events "will inform the future development of this policy in order to ensure that it gets the balance right by achieving reductions in alcohol related harms such as nuisance, crime and disorder, public safety, protection of children and the health impact, in a targeted and proportionate way that does not harm businesses that are behaving responsibly."
The dates are:
- Newcastle 7 July
- Hull 9 July
- Liverpool 14 July
- Nottingham 16 July
- Birmingham 21 July
- Cambridge 23 July
- Portsmouth 28 July
- Cardiff 30 July
- Weymouth 4 August
- London 6 August
Details and registration here.