A Joint Action Group (JAG) met for the first time in January to discuss how to take forward London’s Regional Statement of Priorities for Alcohol. The group is made up of experts from a range of organisations, including Primary Care Trusts, London Probation, MPS, London boroughs and the voluntary sector. The Greater London Alcohol and Drugs Alliance (GLADA) will act as a Strategic Delivery Board for the JAG. The Regional Statement of Priorities was developed in response to the call for regional action within the Government’s Safe, Sensible, Social. The next steps in the National Alcohol Strategy (2007).
The priorities were drawn up by Ranzetta Consulting through workshops and structured discussions with a range of stakeholders. Its overall objectives are to:
- Reduce alcohol related harm to health, through awareness raising, early intervention and better access to treatment and support.
- Reduce alcohol related crime and disorder and anti-social behaviour through continuing to improve the management of the nighttime economy and tackling the links between drinking and offending.
- Reduce the risk of harm to children and young people as a result of their own or others’ drinking, through developing alcohol work within targeted youth support and the Every Child Matters agenda